Historical Tours Scheduled. Get your tickets now
Friends of Union Ridge Cemetery enjoying a historical tour in September 2023.
Local Scouts Restore Headstones at URC
Chicago Boy Scout Benjamin Germino learned about the history of Union Ridge Cemetery and was inspired to plan, develop and lead a restoration project for his Eagle Scout service requirement.
Consider End-of-Year Donation for Union Ridge
Union Ridge Cemetery stands as one of the oldest operating cemeteries in the Chicagoland area. An all-volunteer Board and generous donations keep the cemetery safe and beautiful.
Wreaths Across America at URC
Each December, the national organization Wreaths Across America serves its mission to “Remember, Honor and Teach” by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies on veterans’ graves at Arlington National Cemetery, and more than 3,700 additional locations in all 50 U.S. states, including Union Ridge Cemetery.
Join Us for Our Veterans Day Event
United States veterans will be honored at the annual Veterans Day ceremony at Union Ridge Cemetery. Join us on Saturday, November 11, 2023 at 2 p.m. Guest speaker Gene Salecker, author and historian, will speak about the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Cemetery Tour Scheduled: September 16, 2023. Sign Up Now
End of Summer Historical Walking Tours
Historical Tour on July 15, 2023
Union Ridge Cemetery and Northwest Chicago Historical Society are teaming up for a walking tour of the cemetery on Saturday, July 15, 2023, at 2 p.m.